A great place to add disclaimer and affiliate links notice so you don't have to type it in every single post. This gadget only appears on blog posts!


Now that I've caught your interest, let me tell you a bit more about me. I'm Belle Parker, a responsive blogger theme. This means, no matter what device you view me from, I'll still be rocking your world.

I was created with love and labour by the Balkeni Studio, the concept and design was kept minimalistic yet exuberating feminine charm and elegance. I hope you've been convinced.

I'm naturally a good fit for your blog if you love pinks, greens and warm yellows. If you love gardens and roses are your favourite. You know you and I were meant to be. Oh, and did I tell you that as a theme, I'm not just a pretty face. I've been seo-optimised and built for speed.

Want me to go on?

Now that you're insisting, I've got some really cool features. For example, this page and many other pages come pre designed with this template. This means you get to copy and paste code from one page to another, then edit the text with your own content and media and you're done!

By the way, Balkeni Studio has been in the web design business since 2016, that's over 4 years of experience. It's also something that comes in really handy because this theme has been designed to keep your audience hooked from the get go. With visual variations, you or your audience will never get bored of look at your beautiful blog. For example, just have a look at this amazing feature down below!

I've been featured in

All the nice places of course. You can keep going by writing more content about yourself, as much as you want really, it's up to you.

Some Interesting facts about me

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras scelerisque odio lorem, sit amet posuere odio sodales nec. Nullam eleifend vehicula vestibulum. Curabitur pellentesque interdum sapien. Fusce ipsum dolor, semper eget orci sed, dictum feugiat velit. Nunc viverra elit nec massa euismod cursus. Proin elit lorem, molestie at mollis sodales, semper vitae mi. Etiam dignissim mollis porttitor.

Better than before, write something cool

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras scelerisque odio lorem, sit amet posuere odio sodales nec. Nullam eleifend vehicula vestibulum. Curabitur pellentesque interdum sapien. Fusce ipsum dolor, semper eget orci sed, dictum feugiat velit. Nunc viverra elit nec massa euismod cursus. Proin elit lorem, molestie at mollis sodales, semper vitae mi. Etiam dignissim mollis porttitor.

things other's won't know

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras scelerisque odio lorem, sit amet posuere odio sodales nec. Nullam eleifend vehicula vestibulum. Curabitur pellentesque interdum sapien. Fusce ipsum dolor, semper eget orci sed, dictum feugiat velit. Nunc viverra elit nec massa euismod cursus. Proin elit lorem, molestie at mollis sodales, semper vitae mi. Etiam dignissim mollis porttitor.

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